
Using a cell phone during a test violates ELP testing rules.
If you violate a driving law, the police will give you a ticket.
The ticket will explain the violation and how much money you need to pay for a fine.

Science - Engineering students need to know how to convert between the metric system and imperial system. For example, they need to convert inches to centimeters. You can find conversion tools on the internet to convert between these units.

Money - When you travel, you should think about the exchange rate. For example, you'll need to convert the price from dollars ($) to euros (e).

Religion - My friend decided to change religions, so she converted to Hindu. In history, sometimes a country invaded and conquered another country. They forced the new people there to convert to their religion, even if they didn't want to.

Suspend means to hang in the air, or be put on hold.
Physical - In this picture, Superman is being suspended by a rope.
A suspension bridge is one that hangs (or is suspended) by cables.

Idea - When high school students break too many rules or do something bad, they get suspended from school. This means they have to stay home for a few days.

The negotiations between the president of the United States and the president of South Africa have been suspended. This means they are put on hold for a short time.

The contract is between two entities - the university and the city of Hammond.
The brain and soul of a person are separate entities, in my opinion.

Display at a museum or tradeshow - There is an exhibit at the museum on tornadoes.
Verb (to show) - Tigers often exhibit violent behaviors.

Ages and backgrounds of our students vary. Some are young, while others are older; some are from the United States, while others are from Asia.
Advertisement - All our cars are on sale this weekend!! Come buy a new car. (Prices may vary. See store for details.)

Alaska is a part of the United States with a wonderful supply of natural resources - trees, oil, mining, etc.
The school has good teachers, but doesn't have enough resources to deliver a good program. For instance, they don't have enough money or books.

Chicago has a rapid transit system, which includes busses and trains.
I sent a package to my mom, and I wanted to see if she got it yet. So, I checked online because you can track packages on the UPS website. The website said the package was "in transit."

You need to know this information, because we will use it in subsequent classes.
Freshman take English 105 their first semester, and then English 106 the subsequent semester.

Studying with a partner will help you retain the information you learn.
If you water the grass at night, when it is cool, it will retain the moisture better.
The university wants to retain its students--it doesn't want students to quit early, or transfer to a different school.

Our professor told us we needed a paradigm shift--we needed to change the way we thought about education.
A paradigm is like a model or structure of how to think about something.

The administrators at the school have many meetings to talk about tests and schedules.
An administrative assistant is someone who works in an office and helps with management tasks, writing emails, making photocopies, etc.

We need to modify the design a bit so it is less expensive.
The teachers modified the test from last semester--it's a bit different.

John and I work well together. We each have different talents, so we complement each other.
Males and females often complement each other--they are each different, but the differences work together in a good way.

The meetings will commence at 9:00am.
The company will commence drilling the oil in March.

The government gives subsidies (extra money) to small businesses to help them.
Some people think that government subsidies are bad for the economy because they encourage businesses and industries that aren't performing well.

People who deviate from cultural norms may face discrimination.
The scientist noticed a deviation in the data--some of the numbers were different.

The manager's decision was contrary to what the board of directors wanted.
Everyone thinks I am outgoing. On the contrary, I am very shy.

I didn't want to go to class because I was tired. Nevertheless, I went anyway.
I don't agree with the decision. Nevertheless, I need to do what my boss tells me.

There are several resources that students can utilize to help them with their grammar.
If students utilize the pronunciation software, it can have a major impact.

Cell phone towers are connected in a network.
All the computers on campus are connected to the network.
If you want to be a successful student or employee, it is good to network with other people. Make connections and talk to people.

You cannot learn vocabulary passively, by sitting there looking at a list of words--you need to use the words and do activities!!
John has a passive personality. He sits back and accepts things, and doesn't try to change anything. Donald, on the other hand, has an active personality. He tries to change whatever he doesn't like.

If there is too much weight on the bridge, it will collapse.
In 1989, the government of the former Soviet Union (Russia) collapsed.

The police arrested the man for killing his brother, but he denied it. He said he was at the grocery store when it happened.
The teacher asked Susan if she cheated, but she denied it. She said she didn't cheat.

The student missed his math exam and asked for a make-up test. However, his request was denied. The professor said she could not make an exception.
I forgot my password for me email, so the message said, "Access denied."

The foundation of a house needs to be strong.

Level 1 in the ELP gives you foundational English skills.
You need to have a good foundation in the basic principles of Engineering before you take harder classes.

These questions correspond with the reading in Chapter 3.
Over the past six months, the managers have been corresponding over email regarding the proposed factory.

The government leaders met to decide how to allocate the budget. They decided that 50% of the money should go to education, 25% for healthcare, and 25% for the army.
Before doing the project, we should decide how to allocate our time and resources so we spend it efficiently.

The function of a GPS is to give location and directions.
My cell phone is not functioning. I think it's broken.
Each electronic device is designed with a special function.

One important component of a computer is the hard drive.
An important component of our course is the online homework.
If it's broken, we can take it apart and look at all the components.

The job of the police department is to enforce the laws.
Purdue Calumet didn't use to enforce its "No-Smoking" policy, so people smoked anyway. However, now, they do enforce it. Students will get a ticket if they smoke on campus.

A computer consists of many components.
The textbook consists of 20 chapters on finance, and 10 chapters on management.

An advocate is someone who goes between two people who are having a conflict.
If you get in trouble with the law, you can hire a lawyer, who will serve as your advocate.

The role of a peer mentor is to help you and be your friend.
Parents play a different role than a teacher.
I've always wanted to be an actor, and now I get to be in a movie!! I get to play the role of a store clerk in a short scene.

Before you participate in the field trip, you need to sign this consent form. It means you agree to go, and you understand the risks.
Children who want to go to this school must have their parents give their consent.

The professor talked to the university about his recent trip to Africa. It was interesting to hear his insights on poverty there.
I talked to a man who works in a prison, and it was very insightful. I gained a whole new perspective.

Prior to coming here, I worked at a university in Utah.
The prior semester, Joey had failed all his classes. He hoped to do better this time.

In my opinion, a boss should be encouraging to his subordinates.

He disposed of the letter after he read it.
It is not good for the environment to dispose of harmful chemicals by dumping them into the river.

In the ELP, there is an emphasis, or focus, on using English as much as possible.
"I just want to emphasize--you need to see these words in many different sample sentences to learn them," the teacher said.

There are many benefits of exercising daily--you'll lose weight, feel good, and have lower stress levels.
Getting enough sleep is very beneficial.

New immigrants feel pressure to conform to the culture of the new country.
Young people often feel like they need to conform to what their friends believe is acceptable behavior.

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